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Phoenix channels in Rust. This crate uses the Actor model to provide Socket and Channel abstractions for connecting to, receiving and sending messages in a topical fashion. The overall structure is based on the reference JavaScript client.


Warning: the results returned may include NSFW links or comments.

use serde_json::Value;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    // The socket is generic over a Topic.
    let mut socket = SocketBuilder::new(Url::parse("wss://furbooru.org/socket/websocket")?)

    // Each channel is generic over an Event and Payload type.
    // For simplicity we use serde_json::Value, but in your own code you should deserialize
    // to something strongly-typed.
    let (_channel, mut subscription) = socket
        .channel::<String, Value, Value>(ChannelBuilder::new("firehose".to_string()))

    loop {
        let v = subscription.recv().await?;
        println!("{:?}", v);


TLS is not enabled by default. Enable either of the following for TLS support:


Channels for sending/receiving messages related to a topic.

Error handling.

Definition of a message in the Phoenix protocol.

Socket for sending/receiving messages.